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Turning Interest into Action

Justice For Mossville is a social movement dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues in the Mossville community. Our site offers up-to-date information on environmental developments, as well as highlighting concerns and issues faced by the community. We strive to promote environmental justice and advocate for the rights of those affected by industrial pollution. Our team is made up of passionate individuals who are committed to making a difference in the lives of Mossville residents. Join us in our fight for environmental justice.


Concerned Citizens of Mossville’s (CCOM’s) Mission Statement is to hold Sasol and surrounding Industries accountable for the demise of life and environment, in fence line communities locally and around the world. CCOM, as a united front, will use every available tool, to combat generational environmental injustices, endured by Mossville residents, at the hands of Sasol and surrounding Industries. Our mission will be successful, once Sasol and all Petrochemical companies relocate all fence line communities, nationally and internationally, out of harm’s way.


CCOM, a non-profit organization established in 2021, by members of the Mossville community. CCOM was created out of necessity to give Mossville residents a platform to inform and receive information about local Industries.  The members of CCOM are first-hand witnesses to atrocities and lost of lives, that have occurred, in Mossville since Sasol’s inception in 2001. CCOM has actively advocated for Mossville and other fence line communities, locally and internationally.

CCOM’s website aims to publicly inform national and international reputable organizations and the general public, who stands in solidarity with Mossville and other fence line communities, of all relevantly new developments of deadly toxic releases by Sasol and all other Petrochemical companies, and their impact on fence line communities.

Please visit our site to remain current on all new developments.


President:   Carolyn G. Peters

Vice President:  Delmar Bennett 

Secretary: Patricia Charles

Treasure:   Carolyn G. Peters

Sergeant at Arms:  Ralph Sias


Expert Advisers:

Stafford W. Frank

Peggy Frank-Anthony 


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